We are very excited for you to start your journey with us!

All of our new students are required to complete their 取向 requirements before 报名参加课程. We have built a program that ensures you will start your new adventure on the right foot as 取向 is a big part of the overall transition experience to ensure student success, Through the orientation program, you will be introduced to important resources and be better equipped to be successful at EGSC. Again, we want to welcome you to our institution. We know that you will soon feel right at home, and it all starts here with 你的方向 experience!

Please Note: This 取向 does not replace the eCore取向. 如果你打算 on taking eCore courses, you will have to complete the eCore取向 prior to 注册ing for those courses.

How do I complete my 取向?

It’s easy to get started! Simply log into your myEGSC account and click on the "Student 取向" link located in your shortcuts menu. Once you have logged in you will be guided to follow through all of the 模块. You can complete the orientation at your convenience over multiple sessions and will need your sign in information to re-enter where you left off. At the end, in the 'Next Steps' section, you will be asked to sign up for an in-person 取向 date at any of our three locations, as new students will not be permitted to 注册 themselves. Failure to attend 取向 will prevent any future registration.

What can I expect for 取向?

在你到达之前 at New Student 取向, complete the steps to prepare, including the online 取向 模块. At the end of the 模块 you’ll be able to 注册 for an in person New Student 取向 date. You are able to 注册 for a New Student 取向 on any of our campus locations regardless of which campus you plan to attend. 一旦成功 注册ed, you will receive a confirmation email to the email address you used to 注册. As New Student 取向 nears, keep checking your email for further details.

当你到达时 at New Student 取向, you’ll meet the New Student 取向 staff, who will check you in and give you some East Georgia State swag! Each orientation will have breakout sessions set aside for JUST students, so you will be separated from any and all guests after check-in. During the breakout sessions, guests will attend parent & family session concurrently.

在方向, expect to hear from lots of offices around campus. In the past, speakers have represented the Provost, Academic Advising, Student Success, Financial Aid and more. 这不是 an exhaustive list and may vary by date.

You’ll also get a chance to meet New Student 取向 leaders, ask your questions and learn more about ways to get involved on campus.

New Student 取向 may vary in length based on semester. Students are required to attend ALL of New Student 取向 in order to fulfill orientation requirements.

定位后, your New Student 取向 hold will be lifted, and you will receive your schedule, be 注册ed for classes, or make any adjustments to your schedule. 你会准备好的 to get your CatCard, buy books, and start classes as a East Georgia State Bobcat!


Once you have activated your myEGSC portal, please click the button below to start 你的方向!


Accepted Student Checklist

In order to make your entrance into East Georgia State College as smooth as possible, 请参阅 accepted student checklist . Make sure that you have completed as many items as possible on the checklist to prevent any issues during registration.