

  1. 政策声明: 十大正规网赌平台’s mission is to provide a safe and secure environment 为整个校园社区. 这包括促进校园安全和执法 格鲁吉亚的校园武器法. 本政策适用于教职员工、学生、 供应商和参观者.

  2. 政策: The 十大正规网赌平台 campus is designated as 学校安全区 by Georgia’s 《十大正规网赌平台》(也被称为“校园携带法案”,并在1998年定义.C.G.A 16-11-127.1). Except as otherwise provided herein, it is unlawful for any person to carry or possess or to have under such person’s control any weapon or explosive compound while within 学校安全区. 电击武器和手枪被允许进入校园 受法律规定的某些限制. 本政策还规定了程序 遵守校园携带条例.

  3. 定义: (O.C.G.A..)
    1. “Weapon” means and includes a pistol, revolver, or any weapon designed or intended to propel a missile of any kind, or any dirk, bowie knife, switchblade knife, ballistic 刀,任何刀刃大于等于两英寸的刀,直刃剃刀, 剃须刀片,弹簧棒,指节,无论是由金属,热塑性塑料,木材制成 or other similar material, blackjack, any bat, club, or other bludgeon-type weapon, 或者任何连枷乐器,比如尼姑拨棍,尼姑拨棍,双节棍,飞刀,或者 战斗链,任何圆盘,任何形状,至少有两个点或 为抛掷或推进而设计的尖头叶片 作为飞镖或东方飞镖,或任何类似的武器,以及任何电击枪 或激光. 武器包括任何危险武器、机枪、锯掉的步枪或枪; 霰弹枪或消音器. 电击枪或激光被定义为“电击武器” 就像任何商业上可用的由充电单元供电的设备一样 and designed exclusively to be capable of incapacitating a person by electrical charge.
    2. "Handgun" means a firearm of any description, loaded or unloaded, from which any shot, 子弹或其他飞弹可以通过炸药的作用而发射 length of the barrel, not including any revolving, detachable, or magazine breech, does not exceed 12 inches; provided, however, that the term "handgun" shall not include 一种能发射一枪的枪 .直径小于等于46厘米.
    3. “Explosives” includes any explosive materials, whether chemical, other substance or 机械的,用于产生能够引起爆炸的爆炸 bodily injury or property damage; any bacteriological weapon, biological weapon, destructive device, detonator, explosive, incendiary, or poison gas; and any hoax device, replica 一种破坏性装置,或雷管,意图使他人相信 该恶作剧装置或复制品是破坏性装置或雷管;
    4. “Concealed” – Concealed means carried in such a fashion that does not actively solicit the attention of others and is not prominently, openly and intentionally displayed 除非是为了保护自己和他人. 这需要手枪 be substantially, but not completely covered, by an article of clothing worn by the 一个人,带着一个不知名的袋子,这个袋子是由 person or carrying in any other fashion as to not be clearly discernible by the passive 观察他人.
    5. “合法武器携带人”-合法武器携带人是指任何持有许可证的人 or eligible for a license pursuant to OCGA 16-11-129 and who is not otherwise prohibited from law from possessing a weapon or long gun, any resident of another state who would otherwise be eligible to obtain a license pursuant to such Code section but for the 居住要求,以及在其他州持枪者.
  4. 异常:
    1. 为正式或非正式的运动或体育活动合法使用而拥有的运动器材 锻炼活动.
    2. Law enforcement officers (campus police, local, state and federal law enforcement), military personal and other similar personnel may possess weapons as authorized by 联邦或州法律允许这样做.
    3. Lawful weapons carriers may possess weapons while under the lawful weapons carrier’s physical control in a motor vehicle, in a locked compartment in a motor vehicle, or 在机动车辆上锁着的火器架上.
    4. 电击武器- 18岁或以上的人或目前参加 类 on campus may carry, possess and have under his or her control an electroshock 在EGSC拥有或租赁的任何建筑物或不动产内或其上使用武器. No 携带、持有或使用电击武器需要许可证. 然而,使用 携带武器的人必须是为了保护自己或他人.
    5. Handguns – Lawful weapons carriers may carry, possess or have under his or her control a handgun in any building or real property owned by or leased to 东格鲁吉亚 State 大学 除了 在这里指定的区域.

      1. 合法武器携带者不得携带手枪的区域合法携带武器者不得携带隐蔽手枪入内 校园内有以下区域:
        1. Buildings or property used by athletic sporting events where intercollegiate games 举行;
        2. 学生宿舍设施,包括兄弟会和姐妹会宿舍;
        3. 幼儿园或儿童保育空间(室内和室外)位于这些建筑物或 财产;
        4. Classrooms or spaces used for 类 in which high school students are enrolled through a dual enrollment program, including, but not limited to “Move On When Ready” 类;
        5. Space being used for 类 related to a college and career academy or other specialized 学校;
        6. Faculty, staff or administrative offices; however common spaces outside of those areas are not 除了ed; and
        7. Rooms where disciplinary proceeding are conducted for faculty, staff or students to include meetings or hearings that are part of a sexual misconduct, student conduct, 争议解决、申诉、上诉或类似程序.
      2. 合法武器携带者的责任: Lawful Weapons carriers may possess a handgun in all areas of campus 除了 those 如1a - 1g所述,特别排除的区域.
        1. 这是选择携带手枪的合法武器携带者的责任 了解校园法律,了解校园禁区.
        2. Storage: A lawful weapons carrier that wishes to enter a campus area where handguns 是否建议将手枪放在车内. 东格鲁吉亚 州立大学不提供枪支存放处.
        3. 包含高中生的班级:在东部注册的合法武器携带者 Georgia State 大学 that want to carry handguns to class are responsible for determining if high school students students are also enrolled in their 十大正规网赌平台 类. 这些信息可以从如上所述的校园联络点获得 请参阅“校园持枪合规程序”一节.
        4. Lawful weapons carriers must have the license in their immediate possession at all 携带武器的次数. 如果这样的人被免除携带武器 license, he or she shall have proof of the exemption in his or her immediate possession 在任何时候携带武器.
  5. 豁免于本保单的人士:
    Instructors:  An instructor may bring a weapon to class for the purposes of informational classroom instruction relevant to the course subject area only with prior approval EGSC警察总长.

  6. 违规行为:
    Violation of this policy is also a violation of Georgia law and will result in appropriate disciplinary action, including but not limited to, expulsion, termination, dismissal 及/或转介刑事检控.

  7. 校园携带的合规程序
    1. An ARGOS report identifying courses containing registered high school students will 让他有空.
    2. The 十大正规网赌平台 Registrar will be designated as the primary institutional 联系点(POC)有关校园携带的信息.
    3. The Director of the Statesboro Center and Director of the Augusta Center will be designated 作为本地POC.
    4. Campus Carry laws prohibit the carry of weapons in courses for which high school students 注册.
    5. 学生希望确定他们的课程安排是否允许校园携带将 向每个地点的POC索取资料.
    6. It is the responsibility of the lawful weapons carrier to determine the permissibility 在每条登记的航线上携带的武器.
    7. 合法携带武器者要提醒,课程招生是流动的和可能的 change regularly, therefore, the person should check regularly with the POC to determine 批准携带.
    8. Faculty interested in their courses which disallow the carry of weapons may contact 此信息所需的POC.